e-Signature , e-Document
help you to be paperless organization.

zDOX is the tool to help you do Digital Transformation by using e-Signature and e-Document for being the paperless organization that is agility and flexibility.

Also, You can use e-Signature and e-Document on mobile Today!!!

Release note :

26 July 2024

Prepare to meet the new zDOX version and upgraded functionality for continuous operation of cloud storage from version 8.0, which has enhanced abilities to easily Import & Export files from Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox on zDOX.

For this version 9.0, users can now conveniently manage files on Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox on zDOX with actions Upload, Move, Rename, and Delete on the Web App as well as on the upcoming Mobile App.

Please read the usage details on the zDOX website for more information.

Release Notes

e-Document and e-Signature in the process

e-Document and e-Signature process


Using zDOX is convenient and easy by following 3 simple steps:

  1. Upload by drag and drop or select a local file
  2. Select recipient and signation location on the document
  3. Send

Confident in information security certified by ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management System (ISMS)



You can sign in electronic documents with e-Signature by clicking on the area of ​​the signature. You can increase the security of signing by using 2 Factor Authentication. This prevents people entering your device from secretly signing documents on your behalf.

For documents that have already been electronically signed, the zDOX system uses a digital signature to sign another layer to assure users that electronically signed digital documents cannot be edited (according to the Electronic Transactions Act B.E. 2544, Sections 8, 9, and 26). If there is a correction, it can be checked. As a result, the e-signature will not be able to deny responsibility.

zDOX Appliance Box

easy way to have e-Signature and e-Document system.
ndid e-Signature

NDID Authentication

Sign up with authentication through the NDID system

Under Regulatory Sandbox, Bank of Thailand

Identify and Verification

To be an important digital infrastructure system designed under the decentralized concept based on the blockchain technology, that will help make electronic transactions more effective, reliable and achieve international standards

Promote Online Self Service

To provide services in real time through online channels; elevate their service to customers through various channels; makes their service more efficient; and reduces management costs


To support data exchange between relevant organizations, like a main superhighway that systematically connects all parties without the repetition of complex authentication and in which customers, as owners of the information, must provide consent before any further action


> Sign from anywhere

> Sign on both computer and mobile phone.

> Easy to sign, just Open -> Sign -> Finish

> 100% Confident

> Compliant with ISO/IEC 27001:2013
> Use two-factor authentication (2FA)
e-Signature mobile


Can be signed on electronic documents to express responsibility for that document



Using 2 Factor Authentication to ensure that no one else can access your documents.


Files can be shared with both external and internal zDOX systems. You can set an expiration date and password for your sharing files.


Document Flow

Document can be sent to supervisors and related parties to sign or to be recognized.



Display value of e-tax invoice/e-receipt and input tax and sales tax report.


You can share and comment on colleagues’ documents.

White Papers
Published: 1 July 2021

Paperless Organization

Stepping into the Digital Transformation era, many organizations are trying to digitize their work processes by focusing on the development of a paperless organization, which will benefit in terms of document security flexibility of work including being able to work together smoothly even during the Covid-19 crisis. Working from home has become a new way of life for working people. There is no better time for you to transform your company into a paperless organization.

zDOX on Mobile

zDOX on Mobile

Benefits of e-Signature and e-Document

Business continuity


Your business can be continued when you can work anywhere through your mobile phone or notebook. You don’t have to ask your boss to sign a new payment to replace lost documents. Business is not damaged because the printer is malfunctioning or running out of ink if your company is a Paperless Organization, just open the app on your phone and tap a document or task to manage and see. Your document is automatically signed or stored in the right place or it will be delivered securely to the recipient you want. The continuous operation will build the credibility of your organization as well.

Cost saving


Reduce the cost of paper, document storage, document shipping cost and also reduces the time required to store and search for documents.

A well-performing business spend a lot of time and resources on the jobs that generate the most revenue so makes you forget that having 100 baht in sales doesn’t make the 100 baht profit, but 100 baht reduction in expenses means the 100 baht increase in profit.

Increase performance


If you are a managing director of several affiliates. Daily, you have to travel to meetings at various locations, both at the affiliate company and at the client’s company. The fact that many departments have to wait for you to travel to sign documents in each location cause sometimes works slower than it should be. If your company is a paperless organization, you can sign documents on the way to work, during a break from the seminar, or even while you take your family on vacation abroad. You are no longer the part that slows your business.

zDOX Brochure and Datasheet

Brochure Thai

Brochure English

Datasheet Thai

Datasheet English

ISO/IEC 27001

Information security management system applies to :

zDox Application (SAAS) this application provide service for content management including to assess control to content


Cartoon about Thailand Electronic Transactions Act